Source code for xarray_custom.utils

"""Module for utilities which help to create custom DataArray classes.

Currently this module only provides ``include`` class decorator
which can include a custom DataArray definition written in a file.

- include: Class decorator to include a custom DataArray definition in a file.

__all__ = ["include"]

# standard library
import json
import re
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Union

# dependencies
import toml
import yaml
from .dataclasses import coord

# constants
COORDS = "coords"
DEFAULT = "default"
JSON_RE = r"\.json$"
TOML_RE = r"\.toml$"
YAML_RE = r"\.ya?ml$"

# main functions
[docs]def include(path: Union[Path, str]) -> Callable: """Class decorator to include a custom DataArray definition in a file. File format of either JSON, TOML, or YAML is accepted. The following ``key=value`` pairs can be included if available. - ``dims=<array of string>``: Dimensions of the DataArray. - ``dtype=<string>``: Datatype of the DataArray. - ``desc=<string>``: Short description of the DataArray. - ``coords=<map of coord>``: Definition of coordinates (coords). Each coord is a map which can have the following ``key=value`` pairs. - ``dims=<array of string>``: Dimensions of a coordinate. - ``dtype=<string>``: Datatype of a coordinate. - ``desc=<string>``: Short description of a coordinate. - ``default=<any>``: Default value of a coordinate. Args: path: Path or filename of the file. Returns: Decorator to include the definition. Examples: If a definition is written in ``dataarray.toml``:: # dataarray.toml dims = [ "x", "y" ] dtype = "float" desc = "DataArray class to represent images." [coords.x] dims = "x" dtype = "int" default = 0 [coords.y] dims = "y" dtype = "int" default = 0 then the following two class definitions are equivalent:: @include('dataarray.toml') @dataarrayclass class Image: pass :: @dataarrayclass class Image: \"\"\"DataArray class to represent images.\"\"\" dims = 'x', 'y' dtype = float x: coord('x', int) = 0 y: coord('y', int) = 0 """ path = Path(path).expanduser() loader = choose_loader_from(path) def decorator(cls: type) -> type: config = loader(path) coords = config.get(COORDS, {}) for name in ATTRS: if name in config: setattr(cls, name, config[name]) for name, values in coords.items(): cls.__annotations__[name] = coord(**values) if DEFAULT in values: setattr(cls, name, values[DEFAULT]) return cls return decorator
# helper functions def choose_loader_from(path: Path) -> Callable: """Choose file loader based on a filename.""" if, return load_json elif, return load_toml elif, return load_yaml else: raise ValueError("Invalid file format.") def load_json(path: Path) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Load a JSON file to create a dictionary.""" with as f: return json.load(f) def load_toml(path: Path) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Load a TOML file to create a dictionary.""" return toml.load(path) def load_yaml(path: Path) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Load a YAML file to create a dictionary.""" with as f: return yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)