Source code for xarray_custom.docstring

"""Module for making docstrings of functions updatable."""
__all__ = ["updatable_doc"]

# standard library
from functools import wraps
from textwrap import dedent
from typing import Callable

[docs]def updatable_doc(func: Callable) -> Callable: """Decorator for making the docstring of a function updatable. A decorated function has the ``set`` method, by which an update function for the docstring is registered to the function. Args: func: A function whose docstring should be updatable. Returns: Decorated function with the ``copy`` and ``set`` methods. Methods: copy: Copy the decorated function and return a new one. set: Set an update function to the decorated function. Examples:: @updatable_doc def func(): \"\"\"Docstring.\"\"\" pass # set an updater function func.set(lambda doc: doc.replace(".", "!")) # show the help of the decorated function help(func) # -> Docstring! """ @wraps(func) def decorated(*args, **kwargs): return func(*args, **kwargs) def copy(self): return updatable_doc(self) def set(self, updater): self.__doc__.updater = updater return self decorated.__doc__ = UpdatableDoc(decorated.__doc__) decorated.copy = copy.__get__(decorated) decorated.set = set.__get__(decorated) return decorated
class UpdatableDoc(str): """Subclass of string for making docstrings updatable. An instance of it can have an update function as an attribute, which is used before running the ``expandtabs``, ``repr``, and ``str`` methods. As a result, the output string can be dinamically updated. """ def __new__(cls, doc: str) -> "UpdatableDoc": """Create an instance from a docstring.""" return super().__new__(cls, cls.dedent(doc)) def __init__(self, doc: str) -> None: """Initialize an instance with a None attribute.""" self.updater = None def to_str(self): """Convert an instace to a normal string.""" return super().__str__() @staticmethod def dedent(doc: str) -> str: """Custom dedent function for docstrings.""" try: first, others = doc.split("\n", 1) except ValueError: first, others = doc, "" return first.lstrip() + "\n" + dedent(others) def update(self): """Update a docstring using the updater.""" if self.updater is None: return self.to_str() else: return self.updater(self.to_str()) def expandtabs(self, *args, **kwargs) -> str: """Update a docstring before running expandtabs(). This is used to update a docstring in the builtin help(). """ return self.update().expandtabs(*args, **kwargs) def __str__(self) -> str: """Update a docstring before returning str.""" return str(self.update()) def __repr__(self) -> str: """Update a docstring before returning repr.""" return repr(self.update())