Source code for

__all__ = ["As", "AsFrame", "AsSeries"]

# standard library
from inspect import signature
from types import MethodType
from typing import Any, Callable, ForwardRef, Generic, Union

# dependencies
import pandas as pd
from typing_extensions import get_args, get_origin
from ..core.api import aspandas
from ..core.typing import DataClassOf, PAny, TPandas

class classproperty:
    """Class property decorator dedicated to ````."""

    def __init__(self, fget: Callable[..., Any]) -> None:
        self.fget = fget

    def __get__(
        obj: Any,
        cls: type[DataClassOf[TPandas, PAny]],
    ) -> Callable[PAny, TPandas]:
        return self.fget(cls)  # type: ignore

[docs] class As(Generic[TPandas]): """Pandas data creation by a classmethod (``new``).""" __pandas_factory__: Callable[..., TPandas] """Factory for pandas data creation.""" def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Add a pandas factory to an inheriting class.""" factory = kwargs.pop("factory", None) cls.__pandas_factory__ = factory or get_factory(cls) super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) @classproperty def new(cls) -> MethodType: """Return a classmethod for pandas data creation.""" sig = signature(cls.__init__) # type: ignore sig = sig.replace(return_annotation=get_return(cls)) def new(cls: Any, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: """Create a pandas data from dataclass arguments.""" return aspandas(cls(*args, **kwargs)) setattr(new, "__signature__", sig) return MethodType(new, cls)
AsFrame = As[pd.DataFrame] """Alias of ``As[pandas.DataFrame]``.""" AsSeries = As["pd.Series[Any]"] """Alias of ``As[pandas.Series[Any]]``.""" def get_factory(cls: Any) -> Callable[..., Any]: """Extract a pandas factory from a class.""" factory = get_return(cls) if callable(factory): return factory # special handling for AsSeries if factory == "pd.Series[Any]": return pd.Series raise TypeError("Factory must be callable.") def get_return(cls: Any) -> Union[type[Any], str]: """Extract a return type from a class.""" for base in getattr(cls, "__orig_bases__", ()): if get_origin(base) is not As: continue tp = get_args(base)[0] if isinstance(tp, ForwardRef): return tp.__forward_arg__ else: return tp # type: ignore raise TypeError("Could not find any return type.")