Source code for pandas_dataclasses.core.typing
__all__ = [
# standard library
import types
from dataclasses import Field
from typing import Any, Callable, ClassVar, Hashable, Protocol, TypeVar, Union
# dependencies
from pandas import DataFrame, Series
from typing_extensions import ParamSpec, get_origin
HashDict = dict[Hashable, Hashable]
"""Type hint for dictionary of hashable keys and values."""
Pandas = Union[DataFrame, "Series[Any]"]
"""Type hint for any pandas object."""
PAny = ParamSpec("PAny")
"""Parameter specification variable for any function."""
TAny = TypeVar("TAny")
"""Type variable for any class."""
TFrame = TypeVar("TFrame", bound=DataFrame)
"""Type variable for pandas DataFrame."""
TPandas = TypeVar("TPandas", bound=Pandas)
"""Type variable for any class of pandas object."""
TSeries = TypeVar("TSeries", bound="Series[Any]")
"""Type variable for pandas Series (of any dtype)."""
class DataClass(Protocol[PAny]):
"""Protocol for any dataclass object."""
__dataclass_fields__: ClassVar[dict[str, Field[Any]]]
def __init__(self, *args: PAny.args, **kwargs: PAny.kwargs) -> None: ...
class DataClassOf(Protocol[TPandas, PAny]):
"""Protocol for any dataclass object with a factory."""
__dataclass_fields__: ClassVar[dict[str, Field[Any]]]
__pandas_factory__: Callable[..., TPandas]
def __init__(self, *args: PAny.args, **kwargs: PAny.kwargs) -> None: ...
def is_union(tp: Any) -> bool:
"""Check if a type hint is a union of types."""
if UnionType := getattr(types, "UnionType", None):
return get_origin(tp) is Union or isinstance(tp, UnionType)
return get_origin(tp) is Union