__all__ = ["Spec"]
# standard library
from dataclasses import Field as Field_, dataclass, fields as fields_, replace
from functools import lru_cache
from itertools import repeat
from typing import Any, Callable, Hashable, Literal, Optional, Union
# dependencies
from pandas.api.types import pandas_dtype
from typing_extensions import Self, get_args, get_origin, get_type_hints
from .tagging import Tag, get_nontags, get_tagged, get_tags
from .typing import HashDict, Pandas, TAny, is_union
class Field:
"""Specification of a field."""
id: str
"""Identifier of the field."""
name: Union[Hashable, HashDict]
"""Name of the field data."""
tags: tuple[Tag, ...] = ()
"""Tags of the field."""
type: Optional[Any] = None
"""Type or type hint of the field data."""
dtype: Optional[str] = None
"""Data type of the field data."""
default: Any = None
"""Default value of the field data."""
def has(self, tag: Tag) -> bool:
"""Check if the specification has a tag."""
return bool(tag & Tag.union(self.tags))
def update(self, obj: Any) -> Self:
"""Update the specification by an object."""
return replace(
name=format(self.name, obj),
default=getattr(obj, self.id, self.default),
class Fields(tuple[Field, ...]):
"""List of field specifications with selectors."""
def of(self, tag: Tag) -> Self:
"""Select only fields that have a tag."""
return type(self)(filter(lambda field: field.has(tag), self))
def update(self, obj: Any) -> Self:
"""Update the specifications by an object."""
return type(self)(field.update(obj) for field in self)
class Spec:
"""Specification of pandas data creation."""
name: Optional[str] = None
"""Name of the specification."""
origin: Optional[type] = None
"""Original dataclass of the specification."""
factory: Optional[Callable[..., Pandas]] = None
"""Factory for pandas data creation."""
fields: Fields = Fields()
"""List of field specifications."""
def from_dataclass(cls, dataclass: type) -> Self:
"""Create a specification from a data class."""
return cls(
factory=getattr(dataclass, "__pandas_factory__", None),
fields=Fields(map(convert_field, fields_(dataclass))),
def update(self, obj: Any) -> Self:
"""Update the specification by an object."""
if self.origin is not None:
if not isinstance(obj, self.origin):
obj = self.origin(obj)
return replace(self, fields=self.fields.update(obj))
def __matmul__(self, obj: Any) -> Self:
"""Alias of the update method."""
return self.update(obj)
def convert_field(field_: Field_[Any]) -> Field:
"""Convert a dataclass field to a field specification."""
return Field(
name=get_first(field_.type, field_.name),
tags=get_tags(field_.type, Tag.FIELD),
def eval_field_types(dataclass: type) -> None:
"""Evaluate field types of a dataclass."""
types = get_type_hints(dataclass, include_extras=True)
for field_ in fields_(dataclass):
field_.type = types[field_.name]
def format(obj: TAny, by: Any) -> TAny:
"""Format a string or nested strings in an object."""
if isinstance(obj, str):
return type(obj)(obj.format(by)) # type: ignore
if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
return type(obj)(map(format, obj, repeat(by))) # type: ignore
if isinstance(obj, dict):
return type(obj)(map(format, obj.items(), repeat(by))) # type: ignore
return obj
def get_dtype(tp: Any) -> Optional[str]:
"""Extract a data type of NumPy or pandas from a type hint."""
if (tp := get_tagged(tp, Tag.DATA | Tag.INDEX, True)) is None:
return None
if (dtype := get_tagged(tp, Tag.DTYPE)) is None:
return None
if dtype is Any or dtype is type(None):
return None
if is_union(dtype):
dtype = get_args(dtype)[0]
if get_origin(dtype) is Literal:
dtype = get_args(dtype)[0]
return pandas_dtype(dtype).name
def get_first(tp: Any, default: Any = None) -> Optional[Any]:
"""Extract the first nontag annotation from a type hint."""
if not (nontags := get_nontags(tp, Tag.FIELD)):
return default
if (first := nontags[0]) is Ellipsis:
return default
return first