__all__ = ["asframe", "aspandas", "asseries"]
# standard library
from types import FunctionType
from typing import Any, Callable, Hashable, Iterable, Optional, overload
# dependencies
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pandas.api.types import is_list_like
from typing_extensions import get_origin
from .specs import Field, Fields, Spec
from .tagging import Tag
from .typing import DataClass, DataClassOf, PAny, TFrame, TPandas, TSeries
def aspandas(obj: DataClassOf[TPandas, PAny], *, factory: None = None) -> TPandas: ...
def aspandas(obj: DataClass[PAny], *, factory: Callable[..., TPandas]) -> TPandas: ...
def aspandas(obj: Any, *, factory: Any = None) -> Any:
"""Create a DataFrame or Series object from a dataclass object.
Which data structure is created will be determined by a factory
defined as the ``__pandas_factory__`` attribute in the original
dataclass of ``obj`` or the ``factory`` argument. If a factory is
a function, it must have an annotation of the return type.
obj: Dataclass object that should have attribute, column, data,
and/or index fields. If the original dataclass has the
``__pandas_factory__`` attribute, it will be used as a
factory for the data creation.
Keyword Args:
factory: Class or function for the DataFrame or Series creation.
It must take the same parameters as ``pandas.DataFrame``
or ``pandas.Series``, and return an object of it or its
subclass. If it is a function, it must have an annotation
of the return type. If passed, it will be preferentially
used even if the original dataclass of ``obj`` has the
``__pandas_factory__`` attribute.
DataFrame or Series object that complies with the original dataclass.
ValueError: Raised if no factory is found or the return type
cannot be inferred from a factory when it is a function.
spec = Spec.from_dataclass(type(obj)) @ obj
if factory is None:
factory = spec.factory
if factory is None:
raise ValueError("Could not find any factory.")
if isinstance(factory, FunctionType):
return_ = factory.__annotations__["return"]
return_ = factory
origin = get_origin(return_) or return_
if issubclass(origin, pd.DataFrame):
return asframe(obj, factory=factory)
elif issubclass(origin, pd.Series):
return asseries(obj, factory=factory)
raise ValueError("Could not infer an object type.")
def asframe(obj: DataClassOf[TFrame, PAny], *, factory: None = None) -> TFrame: ...
def asframe(obj: DataClass[PAny], *, factory: Callable[..., TFrame]) -> TFrame: ...
def asframe(obj: DataClass[PAny], *, factory: None = None) -> pd.DataFrame: ...
def asframe(obj: Any, *, factory: Any = None) -> Any:
"""Create a DataFrame object from a dataclass object.
The return type will be determined by a factory defined as the
``__pandas_factory__`` attribute in the original dataclass of
``obj`` or the ``factory`` argument. If neither is specified,
it defaults to ``pandas.DataFrame``.
obj: Dataclass object that should have attribute, column, data,
and/or index fields. If the original dataclass has the
``__pandas_factory__`` attribute, it will be used as a
factory for the DataFrame creation.
Keyword Args:
factory: Class or function for the DataFrame creation.
It must take the same parameters as ``pandas.DataFrame``,
and return an object of it or its subclass. If passed, it
will be preferentially used even if the original dataclass
of ``obj`` has the ``__pandas_factory__`` attribute.
DataFrame object that complies with the original dataclass.
spec = Spec.from_dataclass(type(obj)) @ obj
if factory is None:
factory = spec.factory or pd.DataFrame
dataframe = factory(
return squeeze(dataframe)
def asseries(obj: DataClassOf[TSeries, PAny], *, factory: None = None) -> TSeries: ...
def asseries(obj: DataClass[PAny], *, factory: Callable[..., TSeries]) -> TSeries: ...
def asseries(obj: DataClass[PAny], *, factory: None = None) -> "pd.Series[Any]": ...
def asseries(obj: Any, *, factory: Any = None) -> Any:
"""Create a Series object from a dataclass object.
The return type will be determined by a factory defined as the
``__pandas_factory__`` attribute in the original dataclass of
``obj`` or the ``factory`` argument. If neither is specified,
it defaults to ``pandas.Series``.
obj: Dataclass object that should have attribute, column, data,
and/or index fields. If the original dataclass has the
``__pandas_factory__`` attribute, it will be used as a
factory for the Series creation.
Keyword Args:
factory: Class or function for the Series creation.
It must take the same parameters as ``pandas.Series``,
and return an object of it or its subclass. If passed, it
will be preferentially used even if the original dataclass
of ``obj`` has the ``__pandas_factory__`` attribute.
Series object that complies with the original dataclass.
spec = Spec.from_dataclass(type(obj)) @ obj
if factory is None:
factory = spec.factory or pd.Series
data = get_data(spec)
index = get_index(spec)
if not data:
series = factory(index=index)
name, data = next(iter(data.items()))
series = factory(data=data, index=index, name=name)
return squeeze(series)
def get_attrs(spec: Spec) -> dict[Hashable, Any]:
"""Derive attributes from a specification."""
data: dict[Hashable, Any] = {}
for field in spec.fields.of(Tag.ATTR):
return data
def get_columns(spec: Spec) -> Optional[pd.MultiIndex]:
"""Derive columns from a specification."""
if not (fields := spec.fields.of(Tag.DATA)):
return None
if (names := name(fields)) is None:
return None
return pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(
map(name, fields),
def get_data(spec: Spec) -> dict[Hashable, Any]:
"""Derive data from a specification."""
data: dict[Hashable, Any] = {}
for field in spec.fields.of(Tag.DATA):
for key, val in items(field):
data[key] = ensure(val, field.dtype)
return data
def get_index(spec: Spec) -> Optional[pd.MultiIndex]:
"""Derive index from a specification."""
if not (fields := spec.fields.of(Tag.INDEX)):
return None
data: dict[Hashable, Any] = {}
for field in fields:
for key, val in items(field):
data[key] = ensure(val, field.dtype)
return pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(
def ensure(data: Any, dtype: Optional[str]) -> Any:
"""Ensure data to be 1D and have given data type."""
if not is_list_like(data):
data = [data]
if isinstance(data, (pd.Index, pd.Series)):
return type(data)(data, dtype=dtype, copy=False) # type: ignore
return pd.array(data, dtype=dtype, copy=False)
def items(field: Field) -> Iterable[tuple[Hashable, Any]]:
"""Generate default(s) of a field specification."""
if field.has(Tag.MULTIPLE):
yield from field.default.items()
yield (name(field), field.default)
def name(fields: Field) -> Hashable: ...
def name(fields: Fields) -> Optional[Hashable]: ...
def name(fields: Any) -> Any:
"""Derive name of a field(s) specification."""
if isinstance(fields, Field):
if isinstance(name := fields.name, dict):
return tuple(name.values())
return name
if isinstance(fields, Fields):
for field in fields:
if isinstance(name := field.name, dict):
return tuple(name.keys())
def squeeze(data: TPandas) -> TPandas:
"""Drop levels of an index and columns if possible."""
if data.index.nlevels == 1:
data.index = data.index.get_level_values(0)
if isinstance(data, pd.Series):
return data # type: ignore
if data.columns.nlevels == 1:
data.columns = data.columns.get_level_values(0)
return data