Source code for azely.time

"""Azely's time module (mid-level API).

This module mainly provides ``Time`` class for date and time information at a
given location (time information, hereafter) and ``get_time`` function to obtain
time information as an instance of ``Time`` class.

The ``Time`` class is subclass of ``pandas.DatetimeIndex`` and expressed like
``Time(['2020-02-18'], dtype='datetime64[ns, Asia/Tokyo]', freq='D')``.

The ``get_time`` function computes time information in several cases:
(1) Current time (e.g., [2020-01-01 22:32:58+09:00]).
(2) Time range today (e.g., [2020-01-01 00:00, ..., 2020-01-02 00:00])
(3) Time range of given date and length (by query)

In the cases of (1) and (2), special queries, ``'now'`` and ``'today'``, must be
specified, respectively. The ``view`` option specifies a timezone where
time (range) is considered (timezone or location name can be accepted).

In the case of (3), formatted query (e.g., ``'2020-01-01 to 2020-01-05'``)
or natural language-like query can be used (e.g., ``'Jan. 1st to Jan. 5th'``),
where start and end must be separated by ``'to'``. The ``view`` option also works.

    To get current time in Tokyo::

        >>> time = azely.time.get_time('now', view="Tokyo")

    To get current time in UTC::

        >>> time = azely.time.get_time('now', view="UTC")

    To get time range today at ALMA AOS::

        >>> time = azely.time.get_time('today', view="ALMA AOS")

    To get time range from Jan. 1 to Jan. 5 in 2020 in UTC::

        >>> time = azely.time.get_time('2020-01-01 to 2020-01-05', view='UTC')

__all__ = ["Time", "get_time"]

# standard library
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, tzinfo
from functools import partial
from typing import Callable

# dependent packages
from astropy.coordinates import EarthLocation
from astropy.time import Time as ObsTime
from dateutil.parser import parse
from pandas import DatetimeIndex, date_range
from pytz import UnknownTimeZoneError, timezone
from .utils import AzelyError
from .location import get_location

# constants
from .consts import (


# data classes
[docs]class Time(DatetimeIndex): """Azely's time information class."""
[docs] def to_obstime(self, earthloc: EarthLocation) -> ObsTime: """Convert it to an astropy's time (obstime).""" return ObsTime(self.tz_convert(None), location=earthloc)
[docs] def to_index(self) -> DatetimeIndex: """Convert it to a pandas DatetimeIndex.""" return DatetimeIndex(self)
@property def _constructor(self): """Constructor of class.""" return Time
# main functions
[docs]def get_time( query: str = TODAY, view: str = HERE, freq: str = FREQ, dayfirst: bool = DAYFIRST, yearfirst: bool = YEARFIRST, timeout: int = TIMEOUT, ) -> Time: """Get time information by various ways. The ``get_time`` function computes time information in several cases: (1) Current time (e.g., [2020-01-01 22:32:58+09:00]). (2) Time range of today (e.g., [2020-01-01 00:00, ..., 2020-01-02 00:00]) (3) Time range of given date and length (by query) In the cases of (1) and (2), special queries, ``'now'`` and ``'today'``, must be specified, respectively. The ``view`` option specifies a timezone where time (range) is considered (timezone or location name can be accepted). In the case of (3), formatted query (e.g., ``'2020-01-01 to 2020-01-05'``) or natural language-like query can be used (e.g., ``'Jan. 1st to Jan. 5th'``), where start and end must be separated by ``'to'``. The ``view`` option also works. Args: query: Query string (e.g., ``'2020-01-01 to 2020-01-05'``). If ``'today'`` (by default) or ``'now'`` is specified, then time range of today or current time is computed, respectively. view: Name of timezone (e.g., ``'Asia/Tokyo'`` or ``'UTC'``) or location with which timezone can be identified (e.g., ``'Tokyo'``). freq: Frequency of time samples as the same format of pandas offset aliases (e.g., ``'1D'`` -> 1 day, ``'3H'`` -> 3 hours, ``'10T'`` -> 10 minutes). dayfirst: Whether to interpret the first value in an ambiguous 3-integer date (e.g., ``'01-02-03'``) as the day. If True, for example, ``'01-02-03'`` is treated as Feb. 1st 2003. yearfirst: Whether to interpret the first value in an ambiguous 3-integer date (e.g., ``'01-02-03'``) as the year. If True, for example, ``'01-02-03'`` is treated as Feb. 3rd 2001. If ``dayfirst`` is also ``True``, then it will be Mar. 2nd 2001. timeout: Query timeout expressed in units of seconds (see notes). Returns: Time information as an instance of ``Time`` class. Raises: AzelyError: Raised if the function fails to parse query or timezone. Notes: If location is specified as ``view``, then ``azely.location.get_location`` function is used inside the function, which requires internet connection if the location is queried for the first time. Examples: To get current time in Tokyo:: >>> time = azely.time.get_time('now', view="Tokyo") To get current time in UTC:: >>> time = azely.time.get_time('now', view="UTC") To get time range of today at ALMA AOS:: >>> time = azely.time.get_time('today', view="ALMA AOS") To get time range from Jan. 1 to Jan. 5 in 2020 in UTC:: >>> time = azely.time.get_time('2020-01-01 to 2020-01-05', view='UTC') """ query = query.strip() try: tzinfo = timezone(view) except UnknownTimeZoneError: tzinfo = get_location(view, timeout).tzinfo if query.lower() == NOW: return Time(get_time_now(tzinfo)) elif query.lower() == TODAY: return Time(get_time_today(freq, tzinfo)) else: parser = partial(parse, dayfirst=dayfirst, yearfirst=yearfirst) return Time(get_time_period(query, freq, tzinfo, parser))
# helper functions def get_time_now(tzinfo: tzinfo) -> DatetimeIndex: """Get current time at given timezone.""" start = end = return date_range(start, end, tz=tzinfo, def get_time_today(freq: str, tzinfo: tzinfo) -> DatetimeIndex: """Get time range of today at given timezone.""" start = end = start + timedelta(days=1) return date_range(start, end, None, freq, tz=tzinfo, def get_time_period( query: str, freq: str, tzinfo: tzinfo, parser: Callable ) -> DatetimeIndex: """Get time range of given date and length at given timezone.""" period = query.split(DELIMITER) try: if len(period) == 1: start = parser(period[0]) end = start + timedelta(days=1) else: start, end = map(parser, period) except ValueError: raise AzelyError(f"Failed to parse: {query}") return date_range(start, end, None, freq, tz=tzinfo,