Source code for azely.location

"""Azely's location module (mid-level API).

This module mainly provides ``Location`` class for location information
and ``get_location`` function to search for location information as an
instance of ``Location`` class.

The ``Location`` class is defined as:
``Location(name: str, longitude: str, latitude: str, altitude: str = '0')``,
where units of lon/lat and altitude are deg and meter, respectively.

The ``get_location`` function acquires location information from:
(1) Guess by IP address (by default). Internet connection is required.
(2) Data from OpenStreetMap. Internet connection is required.
(3) User-defined location information written in a TOML file.

In the case of (1) and (2), obtained location information is cached
in a special TOML file (``~/.config/azely/locations.toml``) for an offline use.

In the case of (3), users can define location information in a TOML file
(e.g., ``user.toml``) which should be put in a current directory or in the
Azely's config directory (``~/.config/azely``). Location information must be
defined as a table in the TOML file like::

    # user.toml

    name = "ASTE Telescope"
    longitude = "-67.70317915"
    latitude = "-22.97163575"
    altitude = "0"

Then location information can be obtained by ``get_location(<query>)``.
Use ``get_location(<name>:<query>)`` for user-defined location information,
where ``<name>`` must be the name of a TOML file without suffix or the full
path of it. If it does not exist in a current directory, the function
will try to find it in the Azely's config directory (``~/.config/azely``).

    To get location information by IP address::

        >>> loc = azely.location.get_location('here')

    To get location information from OpenStreetMap::

        >>> loc = azely.location.get_location('ALMA AOS')

    To get location information from ``user.toml``::

        >>> loc = azely.location.get_location('user:ASTE')

__all__ = ["Location", "get_location"]

# standard library
from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass
from datetime import tzinfo
from typing import Dict

# dependent packages
from astropy.coordinates import EarthLocation
from astropy.coordinates.name_resolve import NameResolveError
from import conf
from pytz import timezone
from requests import ConnectionError, api
from timezonefinder import TimezoneFinder
from .utils import AzelyError, cache_to, open_toml

# constants
from .consts import (

USER_TOML = "user.toml"

# type aliases
LocationDict = Dict[str, str]

# query instances
tf = TimezoneFinder()

# data classes
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class Location: """Azely's location information class.""" name: str #: Location's name. longitude: str #: Longitude expressed in units of degrees. latitude: str #: Latitude expressed in units of degrees. altitude: str = "0" #: Altitude expressed in units of meters. @property def tzinfo(self) -> tzinfo: """Return a location's tzinfo.""" lon, lat = map(float, (self.longitude, self.latitude)) return timezone(tf.timezone_at(lng=lon, lat=lat))
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> LocationDict: """Convert it to a Python's dictionary.""" return asdict(self)
[docs] def to_earthloc(self) -> EarthLocation: """Convert it to an astropy's earth location.""" lon, lat, alt = map(float, (self.longitude, self.latitude, self.altitude)) return EarthLocation(lon=lon, lat=lat, height=alt)
# main functions
[docs]def get_location(query: str = HERE, timeout: int = TIMEOUT) -> Location: """Get location information by various ways. This function acquires location information by the following three ways: (1) Guess by IP address (by default). Internet connection is required. (2) Data from OpenStreetMap. Internet connection is required. (3) User-defined location information written in a TOML file. In the cases of (1) and (2), obtained location information is cached in a special TOML file (``~/.config/azely/locations.toml``) for an offline use. In the case of (3), users can define location information in a TOML file (e.g., ``user.toml``) which should be put in a current directory or in the Azely's config directory (``~/.config/azely``). Then location information can be obtained by ``get_location(<query>)``. Use ``get_location(<name>:<query>)`` for user-defined location information, where ``<name>`` must be the name of a TOML file without suffix or the full path of it. If it does not exist in a current directory, the function will try to find it in the Azely's config directory (``~/.config/azely``). Args: query: Query string (e.g., ``'ALMA AOS'`` or ``'user:ASTE'``). Default value, 'here', is a special one with which the function tries to guess location information by an IP address of a client. timeout: Query timeout expressed in units of seconds. Returns: Location information as an instance of ``Location`` class. Raises: AzelyError: Raised if the function fails to get location information. Examples: To get location information by IP address:: >>> loc = azely.location.get_location('here') To get location information from OpenStreetMap:: >>> loc = azely.location.get_location('ALMA AOS') To get location information from ``user.toml``:: >>> loc = azely.location.get_location('user:ASTE') """ query = query.strip() if DELIMITER in query: return Location(**get_location_by_user(query)) elif query.lower().rstrip("!") == HERE: return Location(**get_location_by_ip(query, timeout)) else: return Location(**get_location_by_query(query, timeout))
# helper functions def get_location_by_user(query: str) -> LocationDict: """Get location information from a user-defined TOML file.""" path, query = query.split(DELIMITER) try: return open_toml(path or USER_TOML, AZELY_DIR)[query] except KeyError: raise AzelyError(f"Failed to get location: {query}") @cache_to(AZELY_LOCATION) def get_location_by_query(query: str, timeout: int) -> LocationDict: """Get location information from OpenStreetMap.""" original_remote_timeout = conf.remote_timeout try: conf.remote_timeout = timeout res = EarthLocation.of_address(query) except NameResolveError: raise AzelyError(f"Failed to get location: {query}") finally: conf.remote_timeout = original_remote_timeout return Location(query, str(res.lon.value), str( @cache_to(AZELY_LOCATION) def get_location_by_ip(query: str, timeout: int) -> LocationDict: """Get location information from a guess by IP address.""" try: res = api.get(IPINFO_URL, timeout=timeout).json() except ConnectionError: raise AzelyError("Failed to get location by IP address") return Location(res["city"], *res["loc"].split(",")[::-1]).to_dict()