Source code for arxiv_post.apps.slack

__all__ = ["post"]

# standard library
from logging import getLogger
from typing import Any, Dict, Sequence

# dependencies
from requests import post as _post
from tomli import TOMLDecodeError, loads

# submodules
from ..article import Article

# constants
text = """{header}"""

type = "header"

type = "plain_text"
text = """{header}"""

type = "section"

type = "mrkdwn"
text = """*Titie:* {title}"""

type = "section"

type = "mrkdwn"
text = """*Authors:* {authors}"""

type = "section"

type = "mrkdwn"
text = """*Summary:* {summary}"""

type = "actions"

type = "button"
action_id = "view_arxiv"
url = """{arxiv_url}"""

type = "plain_text"
text = "View arXiv"

type = "button"
action_id = "view_pdf"
url = """{arxiv_pdf_url}"""

type = "plain_text"
text = "View PDF"

# logger
logger = getLogger(__name__)

# runtime functions
[docs]def post(articles: Sequence[Article], slack_webhook_url: str, dry_run: bool) -> None: """Post articles to Slack.""" for article in articles: try: payload = to_payload(article) if not dry_run: _post(slack_webhook_url, json=payload) logger.debug(f"Posted an article: {article.arxiv_url}") except TOMLDecodeError: logger.warn(f"Failed to post an article: {article.arxiv_url}")
def to_payload(article: Article) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Convert an article object to a Slack payload.""" if article.original is None: original = article else: original = article.original return loads( PAYLOAD_TOML.format( header=article.title, title=original.title, authors=", ".join(original.authors), summary=article.summary, arxiv_url=original.arxiv_url, arxiv_pdf_url=original.arxiv_pdf_url, ) )